Pooler Lions Club
College Scholorship Program
On Tuesday, May 28th the Pooler Lions Club presented scholarships to four deserving high school seniors. These scholarship recipients achieved outstanding academic success in their high schools. They also took part in extra-curricular activities in their schools and did many hours-of-service projects within the community. Thanks to all the hard work of our Pooler Lions Club Members we were able to give a total of $3500 in Scholarships to these four students.
Lion Karen Williams, Mayor of Pooler, and Matthew Wirth of Congressman Budy Carter’s office presented the awards.
Pictured Left:
Matteo Ventura, Maddox Clark, Mayor Karen Williams, Kevin Dong & Mahika Patel
Scholorship Qualifications
Must have verification of acceptance as a full time student at an institution of higher learning (university, college, vocational or technical school) before receiving scholarship check.
Grade point average of 3.0 or higher
Pooler resident with Pooler mailing address
Scholorship Conditions
Must be received TBD
Recent photograph
Current academic transcript
Two letters of recommendation – 1 current teacher & 1 adult (non-relative)
Parents’ income tax returns may be requested
Committee decision is final
Student must be in good standing and have GPA of 2 .0 or higher with college to receive second installment. In order to receive second installment, please send copy of transcript to lionsclub2@gmail.com.
Would you like to help the Pooler Lions with some vision screenings at area schools? Fill out the form below and we will contact you about how you can help us with this community service for our students.